Our eyes are Important, But not essential
God is so generous and openhanded. But us humans are the tightfisted. Yet some of us, do ask ourselves. Why? Why Am I in this situation. What did I do to deserve this. What we forget is to look at those who are below us. Yet we raise our head so high and look at those who are above us.
Our wealth and our beauty are ineffectual. But those who are well-heeled forget the little things in life. And those who are unfortunate are so concerned about the immense. You don’t need wealth to be happy. You don’t need beauty to be sexy. And you sure do not need EYES to see. The money we have may not buy us what we want. And our attractiveness may not get us those we adore. And our Eyes do not see what our heart can see.
We look at things and not see, thus our brain in some-where else. We touch and not feel. Because our heart is not aware.
We do not need eyes to see, nor feel. Hence our eyes are there to illusion that there is something is in front of us. Our solitary organ is more important , “The heart”. Our eyes age, and get weaker, thus we lay on a man made. An object consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses. In order to see clearly or far. But our heart stayes young, and strong. Nor does it need synthetic to observe, or adore. Our emotions and mood and sense are based on our heart.
Without it, we would not have most of our comprehension, and perception. Our eyes are Important, But they surely are not essential.
I am participating in the WeBlog's Sleepy Sunday contest II ! You may read other participating posts HERE